Umar Bin El Khatab Second Caliphate in Islam and one of the closest copanion

Abu Hafs Omar bin Al-Khattab Al-Adawi Al-Qurashi, nicknamed Al-Farouq, is the second Rightly Guided Caliph and one of the greatest companions of the Prophet Muhammad, and one of the most famous and influential people and leaders in Islamic history. He is one of the ten promised Paradise, and one of the scholars and ascetics of the Companions. He assumed the Islamic Caliphate after the death of Abu Bakr Al-Siddiq on August 23, 634 AD, corresponding to the twenty-second of Jumada al-Akhira, 13 AH. Ibn Al-Khattab was an expert judge and was famous for his justice and redress of people’s injustices, whether they were Muslims or non-Muslims, and that was one of the reasons for him being called Al-Farouq, because he distinguished between truth and falsehood.

He is the founder of the Hijri calendar, and during his reign Islam reached a great extent, and the scope of the Islamic state expanded until it included all of Iraq, Egypt, Libya, the Levant, Persia, Khorasan, eastern Anatolia, southern Armenia, and Sijistan. He was the one who brought Jerusalem under Muslim rule for the first time, and it is the third holiest city in Islam, and thus the state absorbed it. Islamic rule covers the entire territory of the Sasanian Persian Empire and about two-thirds of the territory of the Byzantine Empire. The military genius of Omar ibn al-Khattab was evident in his numerous organized campaigns that he directed to subjugate the Persians, who outnumbered the Muslims in strength. He was able to conquer their entire empire within less than two years. His political and administrative ability and skill were also evident through his preservation of the cohesion and unity of a state whose size was growing day after day and whose population was increasing. Its ethnicities are diverse.

He is: Omar bin Al-Khattab bin Nufayl bin Abdul-Uzza bin Rayah bin Abdullah bin Qart bin Razah bin Adi bin Ka’b bin Luay bin Ghalib bin Fahr bin Malik bin Al-Nadr, who is Quraysh bin Kinana bin Khuzaymah bin Mudrikah bin Ilyas bin Mudar bin Nizar bin Ma’ad bin Adnan, Al-Adawi Al-Qurashi. He is the cousin of Zaid bin Amr bin Nufayl, a monotheist in the religion of Abraham. And his brother, the companion Zaid bin Al-Khattab, who had converted to Islam before Omar. His lineage goes back to the Prophet Muhammad in Kaab bin Luay bin Ghalib. His mother: Hantama bint Hashim bin Al-Mughirah bin Abdullah bin Omar bin Makhzum bin Yaqta bin Kilab bin Murra bin Ka’b bin Luay bin Ghalib bin Fahr bin Malik bin Al-Nadr, who is Quraysh bin Kinanah bin Khuzaymah bin Mudrikah bin Ilyas bin Mudar bin Nizar bin Ma’ad bin Adnan.
Historians and Sharia scholars agree that the Prophet Muhammad was sent in the year 610 AD when he was forty years old. The Islamic call at the beginning of its era was a secret call. Three years after his mission, the Prophet was ordered to speak out in calling people to Islam. The Quraishis became hostile to him, especially after he began to despise him. Of the matter of their gods; Hubal, Al-Lat, Al-Uzza, and all the idols. The Quraish masters rose to defend their beliefs, and began attacking and harming the Muslims. Omar bin Al-Khattab was one of the most ardent enemies of Islam and the people of Quraysh were the most harmful to the Muslims. He was harsh-hearted towards them. He used to torture a slave girl he knew was Muslim from the beginning of the day until the end, then he would leave her.

is conversion to Islam

Behind that cruelty and severity , Omar was hiding a rare tenderness. The wife of Amer bin Rabi’ah , an ally of the Banu Adi , tells this story . That was when Omar saw her preparing herself to immigrate to Abyssinia , and he said to her a word through which she felt a sweet tenderness inside him, and she felt in her heart that it was possible for Omar to be converted to Islam, and that was because he said to her: “May God be with you.” . Amer bin Rabia’s wife did not hesitate to tell her husband about what she saw of Omar, and he responded to her by saying: “Do you covet his conversion to Islam?” She said: “Yes.” Because the first impressions were still engraved in his soul, her husband responded to her by saying: “What you saw will not be safe until Al-Khattab’s donkey is safe.”

During this period, Omar bin Al-Khattab was experiencing an intense psychological conflict. His heart told him that these people might be right, and he saw that their steadfastness in what they were exposed to was very strange, while they read strange words the likes of which the Quraysh had never heard before. This is in addition to the fact that their leader, Muhammad, was not… There are few suspicions about him, as he is truthful and trustworthy, as his enemies from the Quraish admit. At the same time, his mind told him that he was an ambassador of the Quraysh, and a leader of its leaders, and that Islam would lose all of this. That religion divided Mecca into two halves, half believed in it and the other fought it. For six years, the Quraysh had been suffering troubles and problems because of it, and entering into debates and dialogues. In the midst of this internal conflict, and because it is his nature to be decisive and not hesitating, he decided to put an end to everything that was bothering him, and he wanted to rid himself and all of Mecca from those who had caused these heresies and these problems, so he decided to do what many of the polytheists of Quraysh had thought of before, but they They did not succeed in killing Muhammad.

He was also prompted to take this decision by what had happened two days before, a severe insult to Abu Jahl in Mecca at the hands of the uncle of the Prophet Muhammad, Hamzah bin Abdul Muttalib , who had converted to Islam. The motive for this stemmed from the fact that Abu Jahl was the uncle of Omar bin Al-Khattab. Omar saw that his dignity had been injured just as Abu Jahl had been injured, and rehabilitation in a case like this among the Arabs was usually by the sword . He sharpened his sword and left his house, heading to the Prophet Muhammad. On the way, Nu`aym bin Abdullah al-Adawi al-Qurashi met him , and he was one of the Muslims who hid their Islam. He said to him: “ Where do you want, O Omar?” He replied to him , saying: “ I want Muhammad, this young man who divided the affairs of the Quraysh, ridiculed their dreams, criticized their religion, and insulted their gods, so I can kill him.” When he knew that he was going to kill the Prophet, he said to him: “ By God, you have been deceived by yourself, O Omar. Do you see the Banu Abd Manaf letting you walk on the earth after you killed Muhammad? ” Will you not return to your family and evaluate their affairs? By God, your cousin Saeed bin Zaid bin Amr , and your sister Fatima bint Al-Khattab, have converted to Islam and followed Muhammad in his religion. You have to do them. » So he ran angrily towards them, and found the companion Khabbab bin Al-Art sitting with them teaching them the Qur’an , so he hit Saeed, then he hit Fatima with a strong blow that split her face, and a newspaper she was carrying fell from it, and when Omar wanted to read what was on it, his sister refused to carry it unless he performed ablution , so Omar performed ablution and read. The paper, and behold, in it: Taha , We have not sent down the Qur’an to you so that you should be distressed, except as a reminder to him who fears, a revelation from Him who created the earth and the heavens. To Him belongs whatever is in the heavens and whatever is on the earth and what is between them and what is under the earth . Omar was shaken and said: “This is not the words of humans.” He became Muslim from then on. On that day in the month of Dhul-Hijjah in the fifth year of the mission, three days after Hamzah bin Abdul Muttalib converted to Islam. He was approximately thirty years old, or twenty-few years old, according to different narrations. Omar then went out to the house of Al-Arqam bin Abi Al-Arqam, where the Prophet Muhammad used to meet with his companions, and there he declared his conversion to Islam. According to Islamic sources, God responded to the call of the Prophet Muhammad, when he said: “ Oh God, strengthen Islam through one of the two ages, Omar bin Al-Khattab or Amr bin Hisham . He said: “The most beloved of them to him was Omar.” » Thirty- nine companions had preceded Omar to Islam, so he completed the forty. On the authority of Ibn Abbas , he said: “ Thirty-nine men converted to Islam with the Messenger of God , peace and blessings of God be upon him. Then Omar converted to Islam, so they became forty, so Gabriel revealed his saying :Ra_bracket.png  Aya-1.png  Aya-2.png  Aya-3.png  Aya-4.png  Aya-5.png  Aya-6.png La_bracket.png peace be upon him%D9%83%D9%84%D9%85%D8%A9_%D8%AA%D8%B9%D8%A7%D9%84%D9%89.pngO Prophet, Allah is sufficient for you and whoever of the believers follows you . »

In another narration, Omar converted to Islam after the migration of Muslims to Abyssinia – in the fifth year of the mission – meaning that he converted to Islam in the sixth year of the mission. It was also narrated that Omar converted to Islam shortly before the migration to Medina in the thirteenth year of the mission. Some historians mentioned that Omar converted to Islam after 40 or 45 men, while all the Muslim immigrants whom the Prophet made brotherhood between them and the Ansar in Medina only exceeded this number by a few. Accordingly, some narratives suggest that Omar was one of the last of the immigrants to convert to Islam, as he mentioned Some historians say that Omar approached Muhammad in Mecca while he was praying and reciting aloud, and he heard him reciting two verses from Surah Al-Ankabut in his aloud prayer in the Sacred Mosque : And before him you did not recite any book, nor did you write it with your right hand. Then the false ones would doubt , but They are clear signs in the hearts of those who have been given knowledge, but no one denies Our signs. Except the wrongdoers . Omar was moved and converted to Islam. Surah Al-Ankabut was the last surah to be revealed in Mecca before the migration to Yathrib .Ra_bracket.png  Aya-48.png  Aya-49.png La_bracket.png

Before Omar and Hamza converted to Islam, Muslims hid their faith for fear of being harmed, due to their lack of resourcefulness and the lack of anyone to defend them. However, after their conversion to Islam, Muslims had someone to defend and protect them, especially since they were among the strongest and most powerful men among the Quraysh, and Omar was open about his Islam and did not fear anyone. He was not satisfied, for example, with Muslims performing prayers on the outskirts of Mecca, away from the harm of the Quraysh. Rather, he preferred to confront the people with all determination, so he stood up and said to the Prophet: “O Messenger of God, are we not following the truth?” He replied: “Yes.” Omar said: “Aren’t they following falsehood?” He replied: “Yes.” Omar bin Al-Khattab said: “So what is the secret?” The Prophet said: “So what do you see, O Omar?” Omar said: “We will go out and circumambulate the Kaaba.” The Prophet said to him: “Yes, O Omar,” so he went out . Muslims for the first time said “Allahu Akbar” and chanted “Allahu Akbar” in two rows: a row headed by Omar bin Al-Khattab and a row led by Hamza bin Abdul Muttalib, and between them was the Prophet Muhammad, until they entered and prayed at the Kaaba. From afar, the Quraysh looked at Omar and Hamza as they were leading the Muslims, and their faces became extremely depressed. Omar says: “ So the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, called me Al-Farouq that day . ”

Omar’s conversion to Islam was a prominent event in Islamic history . His presence in the ranks of the Muslims strengthened them, and they had someone to defend them and protect them from the harm of those who remained pagan. The joy of Muslims over Omar’s conversion to Islam can be seen in several sayings attributed to a number of companions, including what Suhaib Al-Rumi said : “ When Omar converted to Islam, Islam appeared, and he was called to it publicly, and we sat around the House in a circle, and we circumambulated the House , and we were fair with those who were harsh with us, and we returned to him some of what he brought. ” And what Abdullah bin Masoud said : “ We were not able to pray at the Kaaba until Omar converted to Islam.” » , and: « We are still proud since Omar converted to Islam


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